Collection: Still life paintings

Buy a still life painting

Still life paintings for sale, here you will find all products about still life. Choose from a large collection according to your budget. This is a special place where you can buy a wide variety of still lifes, in different sizes and styles. A wide variety for every taste, budget and room! Buy the best still lifes you've ever seen. Our still life artists have centuries of experience, and we only use top quality materials for our canvases and frames.

Buy still life canvas

Beautiful still lifes from talented artists every day at Canvamotion . Celebrate the beauty of everyday objects with a still life painting and add color to your home or office. Click on an image below for more details and prices.

Buy still life paintings

Still life. A still life is a work of art that usually features inanimate subjects, usually everyday objects that can be either natural (food, flowers) or artificial (drinking glasses, books). Still life gets its name from the fact that the artist arranges such scenes on the canvas in such a way that they seem unaffected by time and change.